Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Feminist Paradox

I am a "breeder" or whatever the current epitet is for a person who has children. I'm crazy about my kids and I can't imagine life without them. Does that mean that I have anything against people who choose not to have children? Absolutely not! I think being "pro-choice" and a feminist means that you support another woman's decision, even if that means she chooses NOT to have children. Besides, what business is it of mine if a woman does not want to have children? NONE.

One thing I find really really strange is that even in Feminist Paradise Sweden, it still really does seems culturally unacceptable not to want to have children. (Of course not being able to have children is a completely different thing). This is a country where contraception is free and easy to access. Likewise, if a woman chooses to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, there are no hoops of fire or elaborate ruses to muddle her choice. Women in this country are in full-control of their bodies and reproductive choices.

So why, then, in a nation where women receive enviable equality in society and birth control/family planning is free and accessible is it so heinous to not want children? Maybe it's because I live in a small city in the forest? Perhaps one will find more childfree-by-choice people in the cities? I don't know.

In any case, to be perfectly honest, I generally prefer the company of my childless friends to that of my Sanctomommy acquaintances. More on these crazy people soon. To be continued...

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